Jul 10th, 2024 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Here's the info for our next zoom discussion Book: "Fifteen Cents on the Dollar" by Ebony Reed and Louise Story.
Susan at Pages Bookstore will be ordering copies of the book .Here's an interview link about the book: https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/new-book-dissects-wealth-gap-white-black-americans-111263363
Date: Sunday September 29 (Almost everyone was available for this date)
Thanks to Karen Moore's efforts, we have the opportunity to meet via zoom with co-author, Ebony Reed, prior to reading her book. Date for this special event : Sunday, July 28, 4-4:30PM. Ebony will share with us background information that will help us better grasp of the contents of her book, as we read it in August and September. Register at rosedalepark.org/bookclub
May 29th, 2024 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Starting Monday June 3rd all solid waste pick up will occur every Monday including trash, recycling, bulk, and yard waste. Pick up will be delayed 1 day on holidays as usual. You can get text reminders from the City of Detroit every Sunday by texting your address to 313-800-7905.
Download the full 2024 Solid Waste Collection brochure from the Department of Public Works.
Mar 11th, 2024 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Click here to download the 2024 Block Party Application
Included in page 3 is information regarding new barracade requirements
Jan 1st, 2024 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Melodie Bunkley (2024-2026)
melbunkley [at] hotmail.com
Earl McCullough (2024-2026)
earlmccullough19 [at] yahoo.com
David Sernick (2024-2026)
david.sernick [at] gmail.com
Bonnie White (2023-2025)
bonnierwhite [at] gmail.com
Andrea Eckert (2023-2025)
eckert.andrea [at] gmail.com
Veronica Williams (2024-2025)
vjbsnoddy [at] gmail.com
Ulysses Freeman (2022-2024)
ulys_2684 [at] yahoo.com
Michael Malis (2022-2024)
mgmalis [at] gmail.com
Jan 1st, 2024 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Frank Raben
rabenf47 [at] gmail.com
1st Vice President
Lary Castleberry
lcastleb [at] sbcglobal.net
2nd Vice President
Tonia Holloway
Tonnie0000000 [at] gmail.com
Ivan Johnson
rpiatreasurer2023 [at] gmail.com
President Emeritus
Larry Castleberry
Aug 1st, 2023 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Welcome to the Rosedale Block Captains’ Toolkit, a collection of resources, forms, flyers, and City of Detroit Department of Neighborhoods informational booklets. We make these documents available to the volunteers who serve as Rosedale block captains, as well as all residents of our community and other interested Detroiters.
Some material will be of interest or use to block captains only; other material is helpful to all residents. Feel free to browse and download/print as you choose.
If you have additional questions, please contact one of our Block Captain Coordinators:
* * *
Outlines the major activities Rosedale block captains engage in.
In some cases, block residents decide to establish a steering committee of 4-6 residents
to share the jobs; this document provides a clear division of labor.
A blank template for storing the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
of all the residents on a block; helpful format and easy to use.
A blank template for collecting the names and contact information of new neighbors on your block.
Published by the Department of Neighborhoods, this 26-page booklet provides names and contact information for various City officials and departments; also includes contact information for many Detroit and Wayne County agencies and resources.
An easy way to send a gentle reminder to a neighbor about various small infractions;
check the box(es), add the street address and a stamp, and drop it into a mailbox.
All the information and forms to apply for permission to hold a block party
on your block, including shutting down the block to traffic. Must be completed and turned in at the offices of the Detroit Police Department 8th precinct 30 days ahead of the party date.
Two different flyers from Detroit Animal Care and Control (DACC); includes info regarding licensing, rabies vaccinations, ordinances for controlling your dog in public spaces, restrictions on how long a resident may leave a dog tethered, and much more.
A flyer explaining the Michigan law limiting the days and hours when residents can shoot off fireworks.
Detroit ordinance specifies when you can put your container out and when you must bring it back in.
Detroit ordinance specifies that cars cannot be parked on lawns or any unpaved surfaces.
Mini-bikes cannot be ridden legally on Detroit streets or sidewalks – they are not “street legal.”
Information and contact numbers for mowing, trash pick-ups, equipment repairs, permits for events, and general parks hotline.
A 4-page complete explanation of the policies and requirements governing solid waste disposal in the City of Detroit, including garbage, bulk waste, recycling, and yard waste. Includes the annual schedule and information to request a paid pick-up for construction debris, etc.
Detailed explanations specifically for yard waste disposal.
Just what it sounds like…includes information on rental property infractions, excessive weed/plant growth, bulk waste, inoperable vehicles, time limits on Courville containers, rodents, snow/ice accumulation, lead clearance, and graffiti.
A comprehensive 35-page handbook by Rosedale resident Ben Washburn, the original builder of Rosedale’s Block Captain Network and a community organizer nonpareil.
May 1st, 2023 |
Alex Derdelakos |
The City of Detroit has introduced a new program for reporting dead or dangerous trees for removal or trimming.
Dead Dangerous and Diseased Tree Trimming and/or Removal
Please complete this form in its entirety to submit a request for a removal and/or trimming of a Dead, Dangerous, and/or Diseased Tree. Priority will be given to trees around schools, parks, and churches, as well as accommodating senior citizens and the disabled community as well as situations that ensure the health and safety of our community.
For assistance with this form please call: 313-224-4444
*Property Owners must sign the consent to access form.
**Note that submission of a request does not guarantee service
Jan 1st, 2016 |
Alex Derdelakos |
Welcome to Rosedale Park!
We are a community of nearly 1600 households, located on the northwest side of Detroit. Our neighborhood has received historic designation, in recognition of the fine architectural styles and diversity of our homes. Our neighborhood association, the Rosedale Park Improvement Association (RPIA), was founded in 1929, and is one of our most valuable assets. Check out our web site and learn more about our activities, our publications, and our personnel. Contact us to let us know what you think.
The benefits that we derive from living in this beautiful neighborhood depend upon a commitment to our community and a respect for the rights of our neighbors.
Read the RPIA Creed below:
TOGETHER...the families of Rosedale Park have created a good place to live in - a place that preserves the pleasures of living in a small town though it is part of a large city.
These pleasures emanate from the pride of ownership that maintaining the good appearance of their homes as well as maintaining desirable living conditions.
Through their efforts, civic improvements, social activities and other projects have been accomplished to conserve the joy and increase the pride of the community.
As a resident of Rosedale Park, this is my heritage!
Therefore...in appreciation for the work that has been done to establish this highly desirable neighborhood and to prove us worthy of the friendship of our neighbors, I PLEDGE MY FAMILY TO...
City Living is Great....It's Best in Rosedale Park!