The Burton Historical Collection at the Main Branch of the Detroit Public Library has many significant records about the history of Detroit, including this sales brochure from the original developer of Rosedale Park. Even though this brochure is dated 1919, our neighborhood actually dates from 1917, when the development was originally platted and registered with the state.
The brochure is a time capsule, of sorts. The style of advertising is definitely not seen today, and there are several examples of “coded language” that betray prejudices and deed restrictions that were all-too-common in those days. There are plenty of confusing details, too. It mentions Evergreen Road and Grand River Avenue, and we are familiar with those, but where is “Mill Road,” or “12th Street?” Mill Road is now the Southfield Freeway, and 12th Street is now Fenkell Street.
We hope you enjoy reading this, and we hope it highlights some of the reasons Rosedale Park has been designated a Historic District. Click this link to see the brochure in .pdf format.