Executive Committee

General Responsibilities – This committee shall be responsible for carrying out the duties necessary for ensuring the proper administrative functioning of the Association, including the following:

  • Monitoring of the Association’s community information line and e-mail account
  • Hiring and supervision of the Association’s administrative assistant
  • Arranging the programs for all regular and annual membership meetings and board meetings
  • Other items deemed appropriate by the committee in consultation with the Board of Directors.


Frank Raben, President


Ivan Johnson Treasurer

Larry Castleberry, 1st Vice President

Tonia Holloway, 2nd Vice President

Finance Committee

General Responsibilities – Ensuring the proper financial functioning of the association as follows:

  • Membership recruitment, including  dues collection
  • Oversight of the record-keeping function of the Financial Administrator
  • Working closely with the Treasurer to ensure all financial papers are filed in a timely fashion,
  • Develop and present to the board of directors for its approval a fiscally sound annual budget, as well as monitoring compliance
  • Develop responsibilities of financial support staff and appropriate compensation
  • Recommend financial administrative changes


Ivan Johnson, Treasurer


Frank Raben, President

David Sernick

Veronica Johnson

Public Works

General Responsibilities – the physical development and maintenance of the neighborhood, including the following:

  • Snow removal contract
  • Brickwork – maintenance and repairs
  • Sidewalks, streets, and lighting improvements
  • Historic designation
  • Zoning and building codes
  • Beautification
  • Adopt-a-Road
  • Vacant property work, including:
    • (1) Collect and maintain accurate data on all vacant properties in the RPIA service area;
    • (2) Represent RPIA in the community-wide Grandmont Rosedale Vacant Property Task Force by attending meetings, participating in fund raisers/grant writing, sharing data, etc.; and
    • (3) Request funding and coordinate necessary vacant property maintenance activities


Kimberly Uhuru


Ivan Johnson

Pam Weinstein

Andrea Eckert

Block Captains

General Responsibilities – Responsible for coordination of the block captain network, including these functions:

  • Recruit and train block captains for every block in the neighborhood
  • Compile and maintain a list of contact information for all block captains
  • Hold quarterly block captain meetings (February, May, August, and Nov.)


Pam Weinstein


Tonia Holloway

Jill Laufer


General Responsibilities – ensuring that all RPIA members, Rosedale Park residents, and other stakeholders are notified about the activities of the association, including:

  • Proper publication and distribution of the Association’s newsletter
  • Monitoring and maintaining the Association’s web site, community information line, and e-mail account
  • Other methods of promoting the neighborhood and the association’s activities, including a weekly electronic newsletter available to all interested individuals
  • Maintain, store, update and arrange for the posting of signs as reminders of meetings and events.


Michael Malis


David Sernick

Bonnie White

Tonia Holloway

Ulysses Freeman

Events Committee

General Responsibilities – Coordination of special social, entertainment, and educational events that the Association sponsors or otherwise supports.  Specific duties include:

  • Recommend for approval by the board of directors the list of special events to be held each year
  • Arrange for implementation of each event
  • Create, update, and maintain documentation of the essential activities associated with the successful and timely implementation of each event


Tonia Holloway


Bonnie White

Andrea Eckert

Veronica Johnson

Kimberly Uhuru

Katalin Daigle


General Responsibilities

  • Organize food and drink at RPIA gatherings
  • Extend condolences on behalf of RPIA
  • COVID-19 Immemoriam
  • Block captain birthdays
  • Awards
  • Sending acknowledgement to graduates and perhaps putting in the newsletter


Tonia Holloway


Earl McCullough

Larry Castleberry

Clean & Safe

General Responsibilities – Monitoring and/or undertaking activities to improve the cleanliness and safety of Rosedale Park, including these functions:

  • Regular liaison with police and fire protection, especially police community relations meetings
  • Radio patrol
  • Solid waste collection
  • Representing RPIA on the Flintstone Park Maintenance Committee (comprised of members from RPIA, Grandmont #1 Improvement Association, and Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation)
  • Special events like Detroit Partnership Day, Motor City Makeover, Angels’ Night, and others as deemed appropriate by the board
  • Island clean-up and beautification
  • Recycling


Larry Castleberry


Ulysses Freeman

Melodie Bunkley

Earl McCullough


General Responsibilities

  • Organize and administer the RPIA Scholarship
  • Act as liaison with Grow Detroit’s Young Talent Program and other youth programs serving Rosedale Park residents


Kimberly Uhuru

Frank Raben