If you own and occupy your home in the Rosedale Park neighborhood AND you purchased it after 12/31/96, you are likely eligible for a 15-25% reduction on your property taxes! Many eligible homeowners are already benefitting from this program, known as the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Homestead property tax abatement. The NEZ tax reduction certificate is good for 15 years.
How can you tell if you are already enrolled ?
If you are currently receiving two tax bills – one for a parcel #22-xxxxxxx and another for a parcel #27-xxxxxxx – you are already enrolled in this program. If you purchased your home after 12/31/96 and are receiving only one tax bill, for a parcel #22-xxxxxxx, you need to apply for the NEZH!
Necessary qualifications
Here are the requirements for the NEZH, courtesy of the Detroit Assessor’s Office:
- Your property must be in one of the 52 NEZ Homestead Districts throughout the City of Detroit [Rosedale is one of them].
- You must have purchased the property after 12/31/1996.
- You must both own and occupy the property as your principal residence.
- You must stay current on your property taxes.
- You must commit to a minimum of $500 of improvements to your property over the course of 3 years.
- You must have filed a Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA) and Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) with the City of Detroit, Office of the Assessor.
How to apply for the program
You may pick up an application in person at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Office of the Assessor, in Suite 804; you may request one by email to assessorsspecialprocessing@detroitmi.gov; or you may call 313-224-6989 to ask that one be mailed to you.
Is there a deadline to file ?
The Office of the Assessor accepts applications all year. Please keep in mind that the abatement is effective the year after you purchase the property.
Applications submitted before October 1 will be processed to apply to the following year’s taxes. Any application submitted after October 1 will be processed the following year.
Necessary documentation
- A driver’s license or state-issued ID that shows your property address.
- The Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) must be on file with the Detroit Assessor. If not, you will need to fill out the application for the PRE.
- If no Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA) is on file with the Detroit Assessor, you will be required to present a certified deed showing ownership of the property and pay the PTA fine for not filing the affidavit timely.
I’ve heard that NEZ Homesteads are being extended – is this true ?
YES!!! If you are currently in the program and are nearing the end of your abatement, you will simply need to sign an affidavit stating that the property continues to be your principal residence and that you will commit to a minimum of $500 in improvements over a 3-year period and a new certificate will be issued for your property.
For additional information, contact the Detroit Assessor’s office at the number above. And feel free to share this information with friends and associates.