Community Resources

Solid Waste Pickup EVERY WEEK!

May 29th, 2024

Alex Derdelakos

Starting Monday June 3rd all solid waste pick up will occur every Monday including trash, recycling, bulk, and yard waste. Pick up will be delayed 1 day on holidays as usual. You can get text reminders from the City of Detroit every Sunday by texting your address to 313-800-7905.

Download the full 2024 Solid Waste Collection brochure from the Department of Public Works.


Report a Dead or Dangerous Tree to the City of Detroit

May 1st, 2023

Alex Derdelakos

The City of Detroit has introduced a new program for reporting dead or dangerous trees for removal or trimming.

Dead Dangerous and Diseased Tree Trimming and/or Removal

Please complete this form in its entirety to submit a request for a removal and/or trimming of a Dead, Dangerous, and/or Diseased Tree. Priority will be given to trees around schools, parks, and churches, as well as accommodating senior citizens and the disabled community as well as situations that ensure the health and safety of our community.

For assistance with this form please call: 313-224-4444

*Property Owners must sign the consent to access form.
**Note that submission of a request does not guarantee service

Disposing of used tires in Detroit

May 25th, 2022

Alex Derdelakos

Attention, Rosedale residents!  Please be advised -   you cannot dispose of old, used tires through the weekly solid waste pick-ups by Advanced Disposal.  Tires will not be picked up with other bulk materials.

You can, however, take them yourself - up to four used tires without rims - and drop them off at the Southfield Yard, 12255 Southfield Service Drive.  You must show Detroit ID and the vehicle used to transport the items cannot have any writing on it.

Detroit Parks Hot Line Numbers

Sep 16th, 2021

Alex Derdelakos

Eviction Prevention

Dec 5th, 2020

Alex Derdelakos

NEZ Property Tax Reduction Available to Qualified Rosedale Residents

Sep 13th, 2019

Alex Derdelakos

If you own and occupy your home in the Rosedale Park neighborhood AND you purchased it after 12/31/96, you are likely eligible for a 15-25% reduction on your property taxes!  Many eligible homeowners are already benefitting from this program, known as the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Homestead property tax abatement.   The NEZ tax reduction certificate is good for 15 years.

How can you tell if you are already enrolled ?

If you are currently receiving two tax bills – one for a parcel #22-xxxxxxx and another for a parcel #27-xxxxxxx – you are already enrolled in this program.  If you purchased your home after 12/31/96 and are receiving only one tax bill, for a parcel #22-xxxxxxx, you need to apply for the NEZH!

Necessary qualifications

Here are the requirements for the NEZH, courtesy of the Detroit Assessor’s Office:

How to apply for the program

You may pick up an application in person at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Office of the Assessor, in Suite 804; you may request one by email to; or you may call 313- 224-6989 to ask that one be mailed to you.
Is there a deadline to file ?

The Office of the Assessor accepts applications all year. Please keep in mind that the abatement is effective the year after you purchase the property.
Applications submitted before October 1 will be processed to apply to the following year’s taxes.  Any application submitted after October 1 will be processed the following year.

Necessary documentation

I’ve heard that NEZ Homesteads are being extended -  is this true ?

YES !!! If you are currently in the program and are nearing the end of your abatement, you will simply need to sign an affidavit stating that the property continues to be your principal residence and that you will commit to a minimum of $500 in improvements over a 3-year period and a new certificate will be issued for your property.

For additional information, contact the Detroit Assessor’s office at the number above.  And feel free to share this information with friends and associates.

Found a Lost Dog?

May 29th, 2019

Alex Derdelakos

Have you found a lost dog? Refer to this flyer from the Michigan Humane Society to learn what to do next.

Rosedale Park Block Club Manual 2019

May 20th, 2019

Alex Derdelakos

Rosedale Park's incredible block captain network was originally developed by longtime resident Ben Washburn. Ben incorporated all this tips and suggestions in a block captain manual. Please download the document to learn more about creating a new block club or get some tips on enhansing your existing block club to the next level.

Water Department tips for avoiding problems during snow melt

Feb 2nd, 2019

David Legg

During the next three days, the weather forecast shows a rapid change in the temperatures – a possible 60-degree swing – and expected rainfall starting Sunday, both potentially causing flooding. The Detroit Water & Sewerage Department (DWSD) encourages residents and businesses to follow the recommended tips this weekend and into the upcoming week.

• Call DWSD at 313-267-8000 if you see standing, gushing or bubbling water.
• Avoid driving through standing water.
• Clear snow, ice and debris from above and around the catch basins (storm drains) near your property; offer to help nearby senior citizens do the same (watch and share this video).
• Look at your downspouts and safely move snow and other debris that may be at the point where the water exits.
• Move snow away from the outside walls of your house or building – rapid snowmelt could seep into basement walls that are not properly sealed.
• Check your basement drain to make sure it's not clogged so any water that enters the basement can drain properly.
• Stay clear of standing water in your basement if the area includes electrical appliances, outlets, and a fuse box.

DWSD appreciates the patience of residents and businesses as we respond to an increase in water main breaks during and following the deep freeze. DWSD temporarily re-assigned staff who normally work on sewer maintenance to assist with assessing and repairing the pipes. More than 200 DWSD employees are working in the field. With temperatures rising today and into the weekend, DWSD and its contractors are now able to work on the backlog of repairing the water mains (it was unsafe for crews to be performing underground repairs during below zero degrees). Crews will be working through the weekend.

Report street flooding by calling DWSD at 313-267-8000, or use the “Improve Detroit” SeeClickFix mobile app for Apple and Android devices.

Want to pay your property taxes online? Here's how.

Jan 8th, 2019

Alex Derdelakos

Notes from last Tuesday's MDOT Grand River project public meeting

Dec 15th, 2018

Alex Derdelakos

Representatives from MDOT, the City Planning Department, and the District 1 Neighborhood Director's office met with over 100 community members at a public meeting covering road and streetscape design features for Grand River Avenue. MDOT and the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department have work scheduled for Grand River beginning next spring.  DWSD will replace several sections of water main along Grand River, and MDOT will repave and make changes to traffic lanes and pedestrian crossings, as well as make changes to other amenities between Southfield Freeway and Berg Road. The two projects will be carried out at the same time so only one construction period will be required.

MDOT now has an updated policy that requires all projects to be designed with "complete streets" as part of the goals. Basically, that means that all forms of use, not just auto traffic, will be considered. Earlier meetings with community members along the corridor indicate that the two top concerns are speeding and dangerous traffic on Grand River, and speeding traffic through neighborhood streets from Grand River. The Detroit Planning Department is working with MDOT to add pedestrian and traffic safety features, and "traffic calming" elements to the design. The aim is to reduce traffic speeds to the posted 35 mph speed.

According to MDOT engineers, there are some features that they know will be included in the project, while others are still under consideration. Traffic lanes will be reduced from 7 to 5 (center turn lane, two traffic lanes in each direction), and the lanes will be narrowed. This is a proven method of slowing down traffic. Also, "curb bump outs" will be added at all signal crossings. This means that there will be a shorter crosswalk for pedestrians and will reduce vehicles passing in the parking lane. Any added traffic signals will include bump-outs. They also plan to add pedestrian refuge islands at crosswalks.

The exact configuration of the lanes is still in the design stage, and the representatives took written comments from attendees about their preferences. This was the main goal for the meeting. Three configurations were presented. The street Right of Way (which is the distance across Grand River from building to building) is wider north of McNichols than it is south of McNichols, so the lane configuration may be different in those two areas. They asked for opinions on where additional traffic signals are needed. Comments during the discussion overwhelmingly supported a new signal at CVS-Grandland.

There are two areas in the project that will receive "streetscape" improvements. One is from McNichols to Berg Road, and the other is between Evergreen and Glastonbury. Participants were asked to rank things they would like to see, including street trees, bus shelters, sidewalk cafe seating, benches, plantings, lighting, and so on. This part of the project has been budgeted for $8-million.

They plan another meeting on February 6, time and place to be announced. That meeting will seek input on the final design features. You can find more about the project at As of the time of writing, documents from Tuesday's meeting were not posted on the site, but earlier documents were available.

MDOT is still seeking written comments, through December 25 (the holidays may extend this date, but the official two-week cutoff would be December 25). You can send comments by mail, fax (517-335-5696) , or email to or

City of Detroit Launches Zoning Ordinance Update & Needs Your Feedback

Dec 14th, 2018

Alex Derdelakos

The City of Detroit City Planning Commission recently embarked on a 2-year process to conduct a major update of the City’s Zoning Ordinance.  The current Detroit Zoning Ordinance underwent a complete overhaul beginning in 1997 culminating in the adoption of a new ordinance in 2005.  The time has come to revisit, refresh, and rethink the current Zoning Ordinance, and the City Planning Commission is seeking public involvement and feedback throughout this process.

What is the Zoning Ordinance?

Zoning is a method of dividing an area, in this case the City of Detroit, into districts or zones for the purpose of regulating the use of land.  The Zoning Ordinance explains in detail how land can be used and the regulations that exist on that land.  Zoning in part can promote the general welfare and protect property values by preventing the mixing of incompatible land uses (such as housing or schools next to heavy industry).

Why update the Zoning Ordinance?

Zoning regulations should be reviewed periodically to find better ways of serving people and solving problems.  The basic goals for the updating the Zoning Ordinance include making it more streamlined, user-friendly, and current.

Does this update include changing the zoning maps?

This initiative primarily focuses on updating the zoning text and not comprehensive changes to the City’s zoning maps.  However, selective map changes may be considered based on the findings of this 2-year process.

Does this update include changes to the Master Plan of Policies?

No, not at this time.  This effort does not require changes to the City’s Master Plan of Policies, but could influence future changes.

To learn more about this project, please visit the project website at:

Should you have any questions, please contact the City Planning Commission office at (313) 224-6225 or email at

Block Party Application & Guidelines

Jul 10th, 2018

Alex Derdelakos

Thinking about having a block party in the neighborhood. Download, read and submit the attached application from the City of Detroit

Top Ten List of Blight Violation Complaints

Jun 23rd, 2017

Alex Derdelakos

See the list of the most common blight complaints in the city! You can open the list by clicking here.

Frequently Called Numbers for District 1

Jun 23rd, 2017

Alex Derdelakos

You can download a printable list of important phone numbers for District 1 residents by clicking here.

Animal Control, Regulation and Care-Ordinance Amendment

May 30th, 2017

Alex Derdelakos

No Continuous Tethering of dogs!

New City of Detroit ordinance:

NOTE:  Detroit Animal Care & Control – 313-224-6356 – press #1 for stray dogs to be able to speak to someone
M-Tu-Th-Fr  10:30 – 3:30 and Sa 10:30 – 3:00

Download the Full Ordinence Overview

NEW Snow Removal in Rosedale Park!!

Oct 31st, 2016

Alex Derdelakos

Attention, Rosedale Park residents! We have important news to share with you about snow removal.


For 20+ years, Greener Still pushed the snow from Rosedale Park sidewalks and streets. The owner of Greener Still very recently retired and closed his business. Upon learning this, RPIA Public Works Committee jumped into action to solve this sudden lack of service for our community.


In the past, we received individual annual bills from Greener Still for sidewalk snow removal service. Less than 20 % of Rosedale households paid these bills. The Public Works Committee found no vendors interested in providing sidewalk snow service under those conditions. Therefore, Rosedale Park homeowners will now be responsible for pushing the snow off the public sidewalks adjacent to their properties.


To address the issue of street snow plowing, the Public Works Committee published an RFP (request for proposals) and received three bids.

After due consideration, the Public Works Committee awarded the contract for street snow removal for winter 2016-2017 to All Seasons Landscaping, owned by longtime Rosedale resident Vincent Ford. Vince has served for many years as an RPIA block captain, as well as assisting in numerous neighborhood and community clean-up projects at no cost to us. He has been plowing snow from the streets of our sister neighborhood, Grandmont #1, for 15+ years, and recently began providing service to the Grandmont area. We are delighted to award this contract to a resident of our own community and look forward to partnering with All Seasons this winter.


All Seasons makes the following requests to residents, to insure smooth operations this winter. Please read carefully and make the necessary adjustments.


Contact RPIA President Pam Weinstein at 313-231-2244 or


Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

6th and 8th precincts
11450 Warwick at Plymouth

City of Detroit Police Department Website

Community Affairs Office

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

District 1 - Crowell Recreation Center, 16330 Lahser, Detroit MI 48219

District 1 Manager Stephanie Young - 313-236-3473 -

Deputy District 1 Manager Reggie Reg Davis - 313-236-3484 -

Detroit Public Library - Redford Branch

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

21200 Grand River (just west of Trinity)
Detroit MI 48219
Phone: (313) 578-8000

Detroit Public Library - Chaney Branch

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

16101 Grand River (at Mansfield)
Detroit MI 48227
Phone: (313) 852-4545

Radio Patrol

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

Q: What is it?
A: Residents pair up voluntarily to patrol the Park in their personal vehicles, keeping in constant radio contact with a base operator at headquarters.
Q: Who provides this service?
A: Free service provided on a volunteer basis.
Q: When?
A: With safety in mind, our civilian radio patrol operates several times per week.
Q: Where?
A: Radio patrol headquarters are TBD.
Q: How can you help?
A: To find out more information and to volunteer, call the Community Information Line at (313) 927-1089 and leave a message.

Waste Removal

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

Q: What is it?
A: Advanced Disposal, under contract with the City of Detroit Department of Public Works (DPW), collects garbage placed in the black Courville containers every Monday in Rosedale Park.

Every other Monday, Advanced collects recycling in the blue-lidded containers.  Yard waste in brown paper bags (NO plastic bags!!) is collected every other week, from May to mid-November, on Tuesdays. Bulk trash is also picked up on alternate Tuesdays.

For the full annual schedule, click here.  Do-it-yourself bulk trash drop-off is also available.

Q: Who provides this service?
A: Paid for as an additional assessment on your city property tax bill.

Q: When?
A: Garbage is picked up every Monday.

Bulk Waste and Yard Waste Drop-Off

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

Buk items include furniture, mattresses, appliances, hot water tanks, carpeting, and large toys.  No construction debris accepted.

Residents may take bulk items and yard waste to one of five bulk drop-off locations:

Detroit residents with proper identification may use the drop-off locations but are limited to 1,000 pounds per person per day.  

Sports & Rec - Rosedale Soccer

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

Rosedale Soccer League is an instructional/recreational soccer league supported by the area neighborhood associations. Open to boys and girls aged 4-17 years old, Rosedale Soccer’s season usually runs from the 3rd week of August through the 2nd week in October..

Games are played at local fields. All parents are expected to volunteer for at least one position. Volunteer positions include coaches, age group coordinators, field prep, and referees. Referees are paid for each game that they officiate.

Registration begins in June. You can download an application from the website or you can attend Soccer Sign Up on the first three Saturday’s in June at the North Rosedale Park Community House. There is a sign up table on the lawn in front of the Community House both days from 10am until 2pm. The address is 18445 Scarsdale, Detroit, MI 48223.

Games and practices run approximately 1 hour for the younger age groups and 1-1/2 hours for older age groups. All teams are co-ed. Each team’s coach determines practice days and times.

Each player must have a league uniform. We use the same uniforms each season, so it is not mandatory to purchase a new uniform each season. A complete uniform consists of a jersey, shorts and socks.

Players must also have soccer cleats, a ball and shin guards. These items are not supplied by the league and must be purchased prior to the first game.

Toll-free number for more information is 888-505-8959.


Sports & Rec - Rosedale-Grandmont Little League

Jan 1st, 2016

Alex Derdelakos

Kids from the Grandmont Rosedale neighborhoods play ball every spring in ROSEDALE GRANDMONT BASEBALL LEAGUE, an instructional/recreational league supported by all the neighborhood associations.

Open to boys and girls ages 3-16, the league is an official Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth affiliate, and is an all-volunteer effort by parents of players. All parents are expected to help in some way--managing, coaching, preparing fields, publicizing, organizing, fundraising, picture day, etc.

The season runs from mid-April through late June; Opening Day is usually the last Saturday in April. Games are played at local fields. An in-person registration session is usually held on the first Saturday in March from 9 AM till 1 PM at the GRDC building (Grand River east of Evergreen), though online registration can be done at any time beginning in February through their website.

The three divisions in Rosedale Grandmont Baseball League are:

For more information, visit their website at or send an email to

Public Parks - Stoepel Park #1 and Rosemont Acacia Park

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

The largest nearby city park available to Rosedale Park residents is Stoepel Park #1. Bounded by Evergreen, W. Outer Drive and Westwood, this spacious park has two play areas for children, tennis courts, and four baseball fields built by the Rosedale-Grandmont Little League. 

Rosemont Acacia Park is a smaller park located at the southeast corner of Rosedale. This beautiful neighborhood park includes play equipment for children, picnic tables, benches and a walking track. 

Private Park - North Rosedale Park Community House and Grounds

Jan 1st, 2016

Pamela Weinstein

Located in the heart of our sister neighborhood, North Rosedale Park is just north of Bretton Drive, between Avon, Scarsdale, and Glastonbury. The only privately-owned park in the city of Detroit includes modern play equipment for children realized through the efforts of the Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation, the North Rosedale Park Civic Association, many generous donors, and volunteers.

A magnificent oak tree, one of the oldest in Northwest Detroit, stands behind home plate of the ever-popular baseball field. The soccer fields serve as home to the Rosedale Soccer League; in winter, the soccer fieldsare turned into ice-skating rinks during cold winter months. Meetings of the Rosedale Park Improvement Association take place in the Community House at 18445 Scarsdale, adjacent to the playground.

Snow Removal

Nov 30th, -0001

Alex Derdelakos

Q: What is it?
A: RPIA contracts with Ground Control to plow the streets when the snow is over 4 inches high.
Q: Who provides this service?
A: Paid for out of the yearly RPIA resident dues.
Q: When?
A: During the winter season.
Q: Where?
A: All of the streets of Rosedale; this service does not include snow removal from the sidewalks.  Residents receive individual invoices  annually for sidewalk service from the vendor.